How to buy?
To place an order, please contact us via e-mail, Skype or feel free to call our office.
We accept various payment methods like T/T, PayPal, or AliPay.
We ship our products to :
European Union [ EU ], Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, USA, and Canada.
Shipping to other countries is possible too, but the shipping costs to other areas are higher than listed above.
Of course, to avoid overpaying for expensive delivery service to other countries, it is possible to ship our products with any Chinese cargo company which our customers are cooperating with.
If you need to build a customized product ( for example battery pack ) or if you are looking for a product unavailable in our store, also in case of any technical or financial questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or via Skype ( necessary contact details of our company are displayed in Contact Us section ).
We decided to not post prices of our products online since the prices of batteries change frequently. Please e-mail us for a price and we will immediately send you the current day price!
How to BuyAmapceVOLT2024-07-02T12:44:12+08:00